how It all Started

Explore the backstory of how God gave Pastor Don the vision of Revelators!

This ministry began April 23, 2006. This is when I was baptized Christian. His purpose for my life was planted in my heart. I developed an appetite for the Lord and His word. I read the Bible in 3 months, 6 months and then yearly since. Through 2015 I was being developed to share His Word with different Outreach opportunities in the Church and Community. As a Servant Leader, Executive Leadership Advisory Board, Assistant Pastor, and Kids Life Pastor I have been seasoned to love God and people. This love was enhanced when I focused on the book of Revelation in 2013. This led to a home group gathering of 10 that grew to 40. We called ourselves Revelators: people who read, hear and live Revelation that we may be ready for His Return. The Covid pandemic (shutdown) moved us online and that grew to over 100 strong. I welcome you to this calling and divine movement leading up to the end times.

2013 nightly in my living room, with His warmth of His Word in my hands and near the fireplace I would weep for all the people that would never read the Bible let alone the Book of Revelation. My heart was convicted and His timing perfect. In the summer of 2023 at the age of 62 while in my garden I had a fall from a ladder with debilitating injuries. Unable to continue my occupation as a chiropractor the desire in my heart planted long ago had grown roots, nurtured, pruned, watered, and now in this season ready to bear fruit before His soon return.


To Know Jesus and Make Him known in the Book of Revelation thereby honoring God and to honor people.


All those who hear and keep what is written are ready for the return of Jesus Christ.


We do this through our website, touring conferences, meeting one on one including but not limited to Governors and other leaders, activewear that make a statement and future excursions to Known Biblical sites connecting the real locations written about in the book of Revelation.

listen to the book of revelation come to life

Deepen your understanding and accompany Pastor Don in his chapter-by-chapter reading of the Book of Revelation.


This is a 12 hour journey covering 22 miles (chapters). It can be done in 2 days (6 hours each, or 8 hours one day and 4 hours next day) or 3 days (4 hours each) or 4 days (3 hours each) or any other creative time that works best.  I recognize all our time is precious. I don’t want to sacrifice your knowledge and understanding. What follows is wisdom and that is priceless for eternity.

*To schedule and reserve a time at your church or in your area, or to check if we are available in your vicinity, please visit our events page or click on the button below.

What You Can Expect from The Be Ready Conference

Learn how to interpret the perspectives in the book of Revelation to gain a better understanding of what they tell the Church.

Finally grasp the reality of these powerful statements found in the bible (Rev 22:12).

Have a detailed understanding of the description of Jesus Christ.

Not only find out who the believers before us are, but what they are witnessing and doing now.

Get insight and gain clarity on the purpose of a 7 year Tribulation, the 4 horsemen, 7 seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 bowls, 144,000 ground troupes, the 2 witnesses with power, the woman, the child, the great dragon, the beast from the sea with 7 heads 10 horns, the beast from the earth with 2 horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon, the 3 angels proclaiming 3 different things for all to hear, Satan removed from Heaven for good, the reaping of the harvest, who is the antichrist of 666, the great harlot, scarlet beast with 7 heads 10 horns, mystery Babylon, Jesus Christ’s return, the millennium, great white throne judgement, the new Heaven, the new Earth, the new Jerusalem in all its majesty and glory, and the river of life.

Experience His truth with His grace and you will know His love for you.

 Gain an understanding of how and when all the major things that take place in Revelation in relationship with the things that were, the things that are, and the things yet to come.

His purpose & reason for a letter sent to only 7 specific Churches, and understanding of all the symbolism described in the letters.

Gain an in-depth understanding of what the Rapture is, when it’ll take place, and why it’s important to know

Deepen your relationship with Christ and broaden your understanding of who He is as your Lord, Savior, and King.

Throughout this series you will see God’s grace and mercy that none should perish and that all have an opportunity to repent and come to Him.
Make sense of today’s events with Revelation and what makes today different than any other generation.